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Grr... Oh sorry to scare you little one. Welcome to our clinic, I’m
Dr. Fallstaff and thank you for joining us today.
Step right in as we delve into the intriguing world of Fernando Pessoa. This concept was sparked by the delightful "o blog de um consultório" and their segment, "Será arte ou distúrbio?" (Is it art or disturbance?), where they skillfully connect renowned artists with common disturbances.
Some of you may be familiar with Fernando Pessoa, but for those who are yet to discover his existence, allow me to introduce him. Fernando Pessoa was a renowned portuguese poet who created several heteronyms, including Ricardo Reis, Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro, and Bernardo Soares. These distinct literary personas frequently made appearances in his texts.
On the one hand, heteronyms refer to distinct literary personalities or alter egos created by Pessoa. Each heteronym has its own unique style, voice, and perspective, contributing to Pessoa's diverse body of work. This shows how creative, and complex is Pessoa’s mind, and how he prefers to express some feelings he has through his personas.
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Hey, what's up! Have you done your duolingo today yet?! Oh hey Falstaff, sorry, I'll be quick! Did you know that Fernando Pessoa had over 100 heteronyms, and he even created an astrological map for the most emblematic ones? Pretty cool, right? Okay, back to you.
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As I was saying; However, these types of personas can be a symptom of dissociative identity disorder (DID), a condition that affects the psychological well-being of an individual, causing them to have numerous personalities within one body.

This disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states that control the individual's behavior, resulting in memory lapses and a significant alteration in how they perceive themselves and the world around them.

DID poses significant challenges for those affected, as one moment they may exhibit the characteristics of a 16-year-old, and in the next moment, they may display traits of a grown adult. Typically, DID serves as a coping mechanism created by individuals to deal with trauma that has profoundly impacted their lives.


To sum up, Fernando Pessoa was a great poet in the XX century who utilized the concept of "heteronyms" to create new personas with distinct personalities and voices. In contrast, with contemporary knowledge in psychology, some might suggest that Pessoa had dissociative identity disorder (DID), and writing was his way of coping with the multiple personalities that coexisted in his mind.
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