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Oh how I love the nature... but I don’t know nothing about myself…


Oh hey, Falstaff! Working on some tomato plants, I see. Zari told me you are good at taking care of and being aware of our surroundings in terms of nature. However, it seems you have a lot of struggles establishing your goals, right?

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Grrr... Yes... Grrr


Hum… then let me help you! You have strong skills that are related to Naturalistic intelligence.

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I know. Being Naturalisticaly intelligence is having the ability to identify, observe, categorize, understand, and manipulate natural elements like plants, animals, and the environment

People with high naturalistic intelligence are interested in nurturing, exploring, and learning about the environment and other species. They’re also said to be sensitive to even the most subtle changes in their environment, which help them find patterns and relationships with nature.


That’s so cool!! I heard that people have likely been exhibiting naturalistic intelligence since the time of the first humans

Centuries ago, their survival relied on their ability to recognize useful and dangerous subjects, observe climate changes, and use the land for resources like food and potable water.




You are correct. Nowadays we are often characterized by the love of nature, sharp observation skills, aversion to pollution, caring for animals and a big interest in scientific careers. Also did you know that Charles Darwin and Jane Goodall are just like me, naturalistic intelligent?

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I didn’t know, but now that I think of it makes sense. The real question here is, how can someone improve their skills to be more naturalisticaly intelligent?


That’s easy... you can go to zoos, aquariums, and safaris to observe the animals, take care of some plants, nature journals, be observant on climate changes and how can you help to decrease the pollution, photography and many more…


For example, right now duos students are taking care of a glorious morning plant, you should give it a try I think...


Those activities look fun! I’ll pass by their class one day to see how its doing.
Now, you lack a bit of intrapersonal intelligence. Not That’s a bad thing, but I can help you improve!

Enlighten me!

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Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand your thoughts, feelings, and motivation. It involves gaining self-awareness through introspection, self-reflection, and insight. This form of intelligence allows people to plan, make decisions, and pursue goals effectively.

If someone has a high level of intrapersonal intelligence, they might feel a deep connection to their own mind and the things that make them tick. Understanding their inner world allows them to relate to and interact with their external environment more effectively. Because they know themselves so well, they are adept at setting meaningful goals that guide their life in the right direction.


What characteristics does someone who is intrapersonally intelligent have?


Usually people with this type of intelligence are self-aware, introspective, emotionally intelligent, intuitive, know how to work alone and many other traits.

Now, I bet you are asking, how can I improve my skills? Simple: setting goals by making a bucket list, expressing yourself creatively, and regulate your emotions!

I think I understand a bit more Bea, thank you.


No biggie! I leave you know with a little challenge, Have fun!!


That’s good to know Fals!

See you later!!

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